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  • Address :

    90 Commons Dr, Eugene, OR 97401, USA

  • State : OR
Apr 25, 2024
I have rented from several different apartment companies. Stadium Park Apartments have been hands down the best place I have rented thus far. Going into the office the first time the staff was friendly and very helpful. Since then it's been no different. The staff has helped answer any question

I ever had, helped me with any issues and always happy to see ne and even remembered my name! There is always someone actually in the office and someone always answers the phone when I call. The office is open early and closes late. Tons of amenities, beautiful grounds and nice apartments. The rooms for the 2 bedrooms are much bigger then others and the private bathroom is a plus. I wish there was a hot tub, but the pool is full sized and maintained regularly by staff. The gym is well put together and there is something for everyone. All in all, I love living here. If you are looking for a place I'd highly recommend Stadium Park Apartments.

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Sep 05, 2024
do yourself a favor and do NOT move here!! there are better places out there this place is not worth it. not only did my apartment flood in the middle of the night due to maintenance negligence, tons of water pouring out of the light fixtures (bathroom, kitchen, ALL BEDROOMS)

BLACK mold in the water heater closet and all they did was spray paint over it, but it caused so much damage carpet wise just for us to make us pay for carpet replacement when moving out. most incompetent office employees i’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

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Aug 21, 2024
PLEASE DO NOT LIVE HERE!! all the positive reviews for this place is most likely people who work here. Homeless individuals are parking in the lot overnight, yet residents are charged $100 for parking. The rent is high for a very very very low-quality apartment, and it's no longer just

student housing—families with children live here and create constant noise. The rules about rent/fees change frequently, and THEY HAVE BEEN SUED BEFORE.

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Jul 26, 2024
Horrendous property and leasing company. Apartment was completely filthy when moved in with bird poop covering the balcony, grime over ever surface, the floors were obviously not cleaned or vacuumed, paint peeling from the walls and splattered on surfaces from poor paint jobs, and torn up grimy furniture. Additionally, despite being

a “student housing” company, they stuck me with a roommate who was nearly 40 and completely ignored my communication for a room change due to being uncomfortable with my roommate placement. The property additionally began charging an extra $30 a month for utilities despite describing in the lease that utilities are at a fixed rate, and has also consistently chose to ignore my communication about this up charge despite low quality utility services. Despite leaving the apartment in a clean state (far above what was left to me in August), the property has the nerve to charge nearly $300 worth in fees that are considered normal wear and tear.

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Jul 18, 2024
Homeless people hang out in the parking lot, random people dumpster dive and dig through your tied up trash bags. Literally saw my trash bags opened up next to the dumpster on multiple occasions. Their “roommate matching” is an absolute joke. They paired me with someone who was the complete opposite

of me, partied CONSTANTLY in our tiny apartment, and had a pet when I specifically asked to not be put with a roommate with a pet. The apartment itself is in not great shape when you move in. Dirty, old appliances that barely work. You will constantly hear peoples’ smoke alarms going off throughout the property, including your own smoke alarms. They are so sensitive even boiling water on the stove will set them off. Upon move out, I was charged $85 for carpet cleaning, which I’m aware the charge IS noted in the lease. When I emailed the manager asking for a receipt of the cost (it’s literally carpet in one small bedroom, and I didn’t leave any stains in the carpet so $85 seems excessive), she did not provide me with it and said “basic carpet cleaning is something we have to do between each resident”. So the resident shouldn’t be paying for it if it’s something the apartments apparently HAVE to do anyways. I asked TWICE if she’s taking $85 from every resident every time then, and she dodged there question the first time, and has yet to respond on the second time.

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