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  • Address :

    736 East 800 North, Logan, UT 84321, USA

  • State : UT
Jul 23, 2024
The apartment managers were always helpful and kind and I enjoyed renting a shared room for the summer. Great community and great spot.
Nov 04, 2023
Honestly I don't know why people rate this place so low I have lived here for 2 years and have loved it so much ive never moved! I get my own room and bathroom and it's not overpriced. I also have my own spot for parking which is nice to

not have to fight for parking. Taryn and Buzz are amazing landlords. They always help right away when something needs fixed and are super easy to work with!

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Oct 18, 2023
Buzz and Taryn are great landlords, I have enjoyed living in this building. The location is close to campus, the main room is spacious, and everyone has their own bathrooms, yay!
Mar 16, 2023
Do not attempt to apply to live at Garden Court Apartments. They are extremely unprofessional, dishonest, and disorganized. Me and my 4 friends were considering living here last year in 2022 for the 2023-24 school year because the low rates and private rooms appealed to us. Unfortunately we learned there’s

a reason the rates are so low. We filled out and emailed applications back in December of 2022. After a few weeks we got an email response confirming our applications and they told us we were first on the waiting list. After consistent correspondence for a couple of months my friend got a phone call from the management saying they had guaranteed spots for all 5 of us and to email them our names and whether we wanted a shared or private room, which we did within a few hours of the phone call. We asked them about paying the deposits and they said they would reach out to us mid-March. It wasn’t until midnight on March 7th that they emailed us saying “Sorry but I don’t have those spots available my daughter had to of replied to you cause I would have sent application and some other information. We are full” This was confusing to us because we had apparently been corresponding with her daughter seemingly the entire time? And the applications they are referring to are the same applications we filled out and emailed to them and got confirmation they were received back in December. We emailed back and said “Whoever I’ve been speaking to the last 3 months has told us we have been first in line because we filled out that application really early.” They responded with “[…] Thank you sorry for the confusion with the email. It had been starred . so I was like why did I star that. Opened and seen what I wrote and that makes no sense. I do apologize.” At this point we were extremely confused and concerned because we had been planning on living at Garden Court for months and it was now beginning of March and there are not many desirable living arrangements available that late in the semester. We called Garden Court in the morning just trying to get clarification and we were called “wishy washy” by the management, but that we were at the top of the waiting list! :D I had my mom email her and the management called my friend and berated her for it. Management then left my mom a harsh voicemail, that she still has, where she then revealed that the daughter we had apparently been corresponding with was a 1 1/2 year old? We’ve also talked to other people with similar frustrating experiences with this apartment building like being without internet the whole school year and an unplowed parking lot. We fortunately were able to find ultimately better housing very quickly but I strongly advise keeping your distance from Garden Court, unless you’d like to have a conversation with the management’s apparent genius baby.

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Mar 20, 2023
Poor communication, and management. Unprofessional and rude service. If you can get in great, but unless you have paid a deposited than don't believe them when they guarantee housing. Just read their responses to reviews if you don't believe me.
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