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910 900 E, Provo, UT 84604, USA
- State : UT
The average review is higher than it should be because of the reviews that remain from the previous management company who did great. Redstone has a mission statement (shown in a picture below) and this review follows the exact outline that Redstone management esteems itself on. 1. We earn and cultivate trust: This year, Park Plaza changed its contract and included a $15 communications fee to cover internet and cable. King Henry, where I previously lived, had a similar fee for fast internet and help setting up the cable, so I didn't have a problem with it. However, the tenants who I have talked to feel mislead at Park Plaza. The internet is the slow internet that Google Fiber already offers for free. To get the cable, we have to call Comcast and coordinate the installation. Nobody I have talked to at Plaza has or wants cable. Our estimate is that Redstone makes $7-10 on this charge. I would have had a lot more trust if Redstone were straightforward and just increased our contract price by $7-10 rather than disguising fees for the free Google Fiber and unwanted cable. The way the fee was represented and the fact we can't opt out of it has not cultivated my trust. Note: Park Plaza still has not been straightforward in saying that it does not pay for Google Fiber. Google Fiber has confirmed with us that Park Plaza doesn't pay anything. In addition, we were not informed that parking would increase from $50 a semester to $20 a month until after we had signed our contract. Although I don't believe the contract discusses parking, I would have liked to know this in advance. 2. We communicate authentically: While living at Park Plaza, we have had expectations given to us but rarely kept. Redstone seeks to appease complaints but not solve problems. Example 1: This summer, our thermostat would not drop below 74 degrees in our living room, where the temperature is the lowest. Our bedrooms which face the sun were closer to 78 degrees. We quickly noticed that the problem was our thermostat and requested to have it replaced. People were in and out several times to "fix" the problem, but we didn't have any results. We had to wait two months for the thermostat to be replaced and listen to complaints that 74 degrees isn't that hot. Example 2: About two months ago, our sink handle broke. We have submitted over four repairs, but it still hasn't been fixed. The picture below shows the "screwy" job used to fix it (a picture of a screwdriver as our kitchen sink is below). I don't want this to sound like the maintenance guy is the problem. Redstone has several properties and he is the only person to take care of them. Emails from Redstone seeking to appease us talk about how there are so many work orders that they are trying to catch up. I think they need a larger workforce, better accountability, and higher standards of repair. 3. We stay the course: After Redstone took over, we had fun events and exciting things going on. However that change only kept going until people had signed contracts for the year. The events seem to have been only temporary changes to get people to sign contracts. Redstone didn't "stay the course." 4. We embrace and effect change: Redstone has embraced change, but as mentioned above, it hasn't been positive. 5. We strive for excellence: If a screw driver as your kitchen sink handle is excellent, Redstone nailed it! Overall, we felt great when we moved here a year ago. The rent was cheap, the location was great, and the maintenance was fine. However, after Redstone took over, rent increased significantly with deceptive fees, maintenance decreased, and customer service is non-existent. Redstone is very apathetic toward tenant satisfaction. Avoid all properties managed by Redstone.
see moreApartments are NOT pro-rated. This means if you live their for at least a few days within a month, you pay for the whole month. This is fine if you plan to stay the whole year, but if you sell or buy the contract mid school year, YOU WILL OVERPAY. - $20/month for parking (more than any other place I've lived at) - The pool wasn't ready for use until the end of June - Rec room TV is tiny - Furniture is hard to sit or lay on (weird, right?) - Mattress is so old that it gave me back problems. First time in 4 years that I had to buy a mattress pad. - No signs of updating old furniture or mattresses anytime soon. - The owners are unimpressive. I felt that they price gouged as often as they could. - The tenant culture is mostly of people that keep to themselves and their groups of friends. I didn't feel very welcomed for the first 2-3 months of living there. In summary, I have lived in much better places for less money than you will pay here.
see moreis not quick to respond to requests. We spent 1.5 months with our water heater constantly failing in January and February. Maintenance was not very helpful until 1.5 months after the issue started. You're basically paying the same as Heritage here, and the difference in quality is huge. And they continue to up the rent. Cleaning checks are also often ridiculous. They focus on the most obscure things. New management is nice though. I enjoyed my time here, but I won't be living here again.
see moreIt's definitely not worth the price of rent. These apartments are super old and falling apart at the seams. Maintenance requests were only acknowledged about half the time, and the half that they did "fix" things often left them worse than they were broken (tables, couches, ovens, sinks). On multiple occasions our bathroom was flooded by toilet water from the upstairs neighbors. Management is really unorganized and bad at communicating with residents. There's only a 30% chance that someone will actually be in the office during office hours, and it can take days to get a reply via phone or email. Also expect random fees added to your account for no clear reason, and parking that is horrendously expensive and inadequate. Not the worst place to live, but yeah, you can do better.
see moreevery month for rent and cleaning. Maintenance requests are handled pretty quickly too. They are pretty strict on things such as cleaning checks, but that ensures the apartments stay in good condition. Total cost is $340/month ($295 rent, $45 utilities), the ward is great. They have a pool, but it's only open during the spring/summer. Sometimes they are hard to get a hold of though, especially if you spend all day on campus.
see morewhat aggravated residents most, myself included, was fluctuating rent prices. Rent rose significantly every semester. I started a lease at $255 and left 2.5 years later paying 420-ish, an $165 increase! Upon asking management about rent increases, they would accredit it to made-up fees like owning a vacuum or "communication fees" every time management sent you a mass email, or an internet fee for our already-free Google Fiber. As a full-time student who worked after class to pay their way without parent help, that extra $165 that I had to pay every month made for some of the hardest, hungriest, and unhappiest months of my life.
see morepaid-for or did the repairs myself. The apartments themselves were modest with no updates since the late 90's. You share 1 bathroom with 4 guys. Very limited got water. No dishwasher. Central heating and air were all but disabled during my stay there.
see moreNo Available Contracts
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