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  • Address :

    Idaho Central Credit Union, West 2nd South, Rexburg, ID, United States

  • State : ID
Jul 31, 2024
The only reason I'm giving this 2 stars was because of my room mates, best I've ever had. I lived in one of their "renovated" units winter semester 2023. I wasn't a big fan of paying extra for what I thought would be a nicer apartment for what I got.

Couches had definitely seen MUCH better days. The table and counters were not in good shape either. Also, one bathroom for 6 dudes?? Yikes. HOWEVER they did have a gas stove which was probably the only redeeming quality of that apartment. It was also super frustrating that they closed the laundromat at 12am, I'm a full time student and was working late nights at the time so my only option for doing laundry was at night and there was countless times where I was locked out while I had a load in the wash. This also doesn't undermine the fact that I STILL haven't gotten my deposit back. All in all, I wasn't a big fan.

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May 07, 2024
This is my 4th semester here and I thoroughly enjoy it. I'm one who likes big fancy spaces but also small cozy ones. This apartment complex feels cozy. Sure, there are things that are good and can be better but thats every living space. At first it did feel small

and dungeon like but my roommates contributed to that too since they were all isolating. This place is cheap compared to others, has a nice management system, and a great friendly community. Yes, there was a gas leak in winter but the management went out of their way to provide heat lamps to the apartments. The management also gives out free snacks and food occasionally. They are so thorough but not extremely strict when giving their clean checks and if they do fine, its at a reasonable consequential price. Its also a convenient homing space. You got little cesars, cafe rio, the hart gym, grifols plasma donation, deseretbook, Crumble cookie, brohlims, main Street, all at a reasonable walking distance. What can I say, people need to stop being stingy and hateful with this place.

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Jan 13, 2024
Place is embarrassing, to be honest. Visitor parking is abysmal, with 30 minutes max before you get a boot. Last semester (fall 2023) they blew a gas line which left residents of an entire building without heating, gas for cooking, or warm water for the entire first week of November.

The apartments are small, no desk space, old, rickety, and generally not-very-cozy. More comparable to a dungeon, or a penitentiary perhaps. Go ahead and rent here, but do so at your own risk.

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Jan 09, 2023
I've been living at Sunrise Village for a year now, and I highly recommend it! They're working on renovating the apartments (which the ones that have been done so far are REALLY nice) and both managers that have been here have been amazing and helpful. They love chatting with you

anytime, and just having conversations. It's affordable, friendly, and a good sized apartment. On a side note, I even met my girlfriend here. Who knows what possibilities lie in store for you at Sunrise!

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Apr 30, 2020
Place is run down, moldy, and looks nothing like the photos. Walls, cabinets--- all dirty. Including the bathrooms. The classic only has one tiny bathroom and a vanity for 6 people??? The kitchen also has a tiny table with school chairs. Not enough space for 6 people to live in.

The apartment also has a foul smell. Window ceils are moldy and nasty as well, including the closet. The cabinet don't have handles like the photos. The construction next to the dishwasher is terrible and everything is slanted. Other complexes are around the same price and are in newer and better condition. I do not recommend staying here. Clearly, this is a violation of "BYUI approved" housing conditions. This place needs to be checked. Looks worse in person.

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